Stay Fit in Busy Office Routines

Stay Fit in Busy Office Routines

Stay Fit in Busy Office Routines

Covid19 locked us in our homes and since then we are not yet back to normal routines. The world has changed after Covid19 though it ended years ago. Now our routines are lazier than ever before.

Most of the businesses got the idea that it’s profitable for them to let the employees work from home. And the businesses who still demand the physical presence of their employees at office have made routines so tough that there’s no room for other activities.

Now the question is how to stay fit in such lazy yet busy office routines? And the answer will be revealed in this post. All you need to do is to read till end, you will definitely benefit from it.

First Know Your Current Fitness Level

Whenever you want to start some journey towards some goal, the first step is to know where you are standing currently. So, if you want to start your journey towards fitness, know what’s your fitness level. How can you do that? Good question. And the answer is to know some figures like BMI, TDEE, BMR etc.

How to Calculate BMI and Why?

BMI also known as Body Mass Index is a common index to know your current fitness level or physique category. BMI tells you whether your body falls under Slim, Athlete, Smart, Obese/Fat or in very Fat category.

Calculating BMI is quite easy but very important in your fitness journey.

The formula to calculate Body Mass Index is:

Your Weight in Kg / (Your Height in Meters)2

Though calculations are not tough to crack but if you are lazy enough to do this all, you can open some reliable BMI calculator online. One of the best BMI calculators that I personally use is BMI Calculator by

Calculadora TDEE Calculator


You can see the chart here. It is telling you what resultant figure will mean. If your BMI is less than 18.5 than you’re underweight. To fall in the normal weight or smart category, your BMI figure should be between 18.5 to 24.9. Unfortunately, I’m just beyond this category by some decimals. But I’m trying hard to fall back in SMART zone.

Anything above 25 is over-weight and you need to care about your fitness if your calculations shows more than 25 on the dial.

Calculate TDEE To Plan Your Journey

Now you know that you are over-weight, and you need to cut calories. But how much calories to cut?

That’s a question you can answer only when you know how many calories you need daily. Once you know that figure, you can monitor how many calories you intaking and how much to reduce to fit in the smart category.

What is TDEE?

The term “how many calories you need daily” is termed as TDEE. The full form of TDEE is “Total Daily Energy Expenditure”. Now after reading the full form, you know very well what’s it. You would be thinking about how to calculate TDEE? So don’t worry, I’m going to explain everything here as I explained about BMI.

Basal Metabolic Rate and How to Calculate BMR?

To Calculate TDEE, you first need to calculate BMR. Don’t worry about BMR or Basal Metabolic Rate as it’s nothing but again the energy requirement. But this time it is the minimum energy that your body need to perform basic functions like keep breathing, to keep your heart pumping and other such basic functions. In other words, it’s the energy required when you are doing nothing or when you are sleeping.

Calculating BMR using formula is bit tricky as it involves various factors like your daily routine and some constant multipliers. Well, you may get confused, and I’ll have to explain each factor and multiplier. Let’s ease yourself and obviously me as well and skip the tricky calculations to calculate BMR.

The easiest way to calculate BMR is to use premade calculator. I would prefer an online BMR calculator. But wait I’ve bookmarked one TDEE calculator that tells you BMR as well. But why?

You Need BMR to Calculate TDEE

So let me tell you why. The formula to calculate TDEE is:

TDEE = BMR x Activity Multiplier

So BMR is basic figure that you need to reach TDEE figure. Now your confusion would be what is “Activity Multiplier”?

Don’t get confused. It’s a specific value to your daily activity level. For example, if your routine is very dull and lazy where you keep sitting all day on the chair and after coming home you just take your dinner, watch your favorite TV shows or movie and sleep then we’ll name is “Sedentary Level” and the valued assigned to is 1.2.

Now if your routine is a bit active like you walk after dinner or play some light games or play with your kids then we can call it “Lightly Active”, and the multiplier value will be 1.375. Moderately activity level multiplier is 1.55. If your routine is very active then the value will be 1.725. Extra active persons can make this multiplier 1.9.

Tired of Formulas and Calculations – What’s the Easiest Way to Calculate TDEE?

Well, I’m sure you would be getting bored of formulas and calculations. So, let me make it easy for you. As I mentioned earlier, I found a tool that gives you both BMR and TDEE instantly and it’s one of the most trusted TDEE Calculator.

It’s basically designed for Brazilian, or you can say Portuguese people, but they do have an English version as well. It’s

BMI calculator TextToolsOnline


All you need to do is to input some figures like your weight in kilogram (Kg), Height in cm, your age, gender and activity level. Once done, just press “Calculate TDEE” button and you will get your TDEE, BMR and calories to reduce or gain weight.

Now you have BMI, TDEE and you also know how many calories you need to reduce to reduce weight to certain level. It would be easier for you to plan your BMI or Fitness goal once you get these figures.

How to Stay Fit?

We have come to the 2nd and the last part of our blog or guide you can say i.e. how to stay fit. Just set the goal that how much weight you have to lose.

Control Diet and Calories Intake

Let’s say you are currently 87Kg and your current TDEE is 2209. As per the tool’s calculation you will need to reduce your daily calories to almost 1200 to reduce almost 1Kg per day.

For most people, reducing calories is hard because they don’t want to control their diet. What’s the second option then?

Plan Workout to Consume Extra Calories

The second and the best option is to consume more calories. Now in the above scenario if you consume 1000 calories in workout (2209 – 1209 = 1000) then you can reduce the same weight i.e. 1Kg per week.

You will have to plan your workout in a way that you consume the required amount of calories.

  • Planks are a good way to burn calories at home and it’s a simple workout that consume more calories than any other workout.
  • Running is another good option to burn extra calories, but you will have to run a lot. The rate of burning calories depends upon your weight. But I won’t make it complicated here. On average you consume 125 to 150 calories for every mile you run. So, to burn 1000 calories, you will have to run almost 8 miles or almost 13km. Seems quite hard.
  • If you have a bicycle (stationary bicycle) at home then you can easily burn 200 to 300 calories in half an hour.
  • Butt kicks is another good way to lose weight and to burn more calories. You can easily burn 8 to 12 calories per minute by butt kicking.
  • Jumping jack is quite common exercise and it’s one of the best one to burn calories at home. You can consume 8 to 12 calories per minute in jumping jack.

You can find more exercise and workouts that will help you achieve your calorie burn goal. Just keep an eye and you will achieve your goal to get fit.

The End Word

Staying fit is not that hard even if you are lazy or have busy routine. All you need is to keep some figures in mind like BMI, BMR and TDEE. Once you have the necessary figures, you can plan your workout or diet. Act upon the plan you draft and see yourself coming back to smart category again.



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